EDITORS / LEAD WRITERS The idiots you should contact at if you encounter problems or have questions
Jared Wade founded 8 Points, 9 Seconds in 2009 and has written about the NBA online since 2006 at websites including ESPN.com,SI’s Point Forward, Hardwood Paroxysm,HoopSpeakand Both Teams Played Hard. He graduated from St. John’s University with a degree in journalism and spent a decade editing and writing for a business trade magazine. Follow him on Twitter at @Jared_Wade and @8pts9secs, or email him atBothTeams@gmail.com.
Tim Donahue lives in Fishers, Indiana, and has been around long enough to dimly remember watching the Pacers play way back in the days of the old Fairgrounds Coliseum. He thinks of Reggie Miller as the “Greatest Pacer” but has no real favorites, opting instead to mostly cheer for the laundry. The thing he likes more than anything else about the chance to write for 8 Points, 9 Seconds is the idea that he will know more tomorrow than he does today — at least in theory. You can find him tweeting about the Pacers @TimDonahue8p9s.
CONTRIBUTORS Some of the folks, past and present, who have written for 8p9s
Jonathan Auping has a degree in English from Saint Louis University. As a boy he became enthralled by the NBA and his two favorite players were Vince Carter and Allen Iverson. He quickly adopted their overall work ethic and applied it to his middle-school studies. He currently works with the Dallas Cowboys at DallasCowboys.com. You can read more of his basketball coverage at DallasBasketball.com. Follow him on Twitter @JonathanAuping.
Jeremy Comstock watches too much basketball. He lives and teaches in Montana. You can follow him Twitter as @OakMoses, but it’s probably not worth your time.
Josh Dhani is a contributor to 8 Points, 9 Seconds and owns and operates the all-sports blog, Footbasket. On Twitter, you can follow him @JoshDhani.
Ronald Eugene now lives in the Indianapolis area after growing up in northern Indiana, where his first extended memories center around the Pacers run through the 1994 playoffs. At the age of seven, he was sulking in his sandbox following an apparent Pacers playoff loss only to be informed by his excited parents that Reggie Miller had just scored eight points in nine seconds to win the game. He considers Reggie and Mark Jackson to be his favorite basketball players of all-time. You can reach him by emailing PacersWriter@gmail.com or read his tweets @REPacers.
Avi Friedman is a high school student who lives in Israel. Despite his distance, he constantly keeps up with the NBA and the Indiana Pacers. He wants to become a sports writer after he finishes his education. You can follow him on Twitter @a928man.
Jay Ganatra has been a fan of the Pacers ever since being exposed to the exploits of the virtual Reggie Miller in a video game. The vegetarian’s love affair with Miller and the Pacers blossomed as he attempted to model his game after the sharpshooter, eventually spurring a classmate to dub him Veggie Miller. Despite the most valiant of efforts, however, Jay failed in his attempt to make it to the NBA. Nevertheless, he still remained connected to professional basketball, acquiring while in high school several sportswriting opportunities for local publications. Now, when he’s not swishing three pointers — or at the very least, writing about swishing three pointers — he can be reached at jay.ganatra@ufl.edu.
Kevin Hetrick has previously written for the ESPN TrueHoop Network site Cavs the Blog as a draft expert. Originally from Ohio, he has lived in Indianapolis for about 10 years and recently took a keen interest into what makes the Pacers tick.
Tom Kester is one of the finer gentlemen you will ever meet. He enjoys music.
Kyle Soppe is a former athlete who has taken his enthusiasm for sports to a media of the written variety. He enjoys long walks down the statistical past and a candlelit NBA playoff game. You can follow him @unSOPable for the latest and greatest NBA stats and trends.
Alex Yovanovich lives in the Indianapolis area and his first memory of the Pacers was attending a playoff game at the Indiana State Fairgrounds Coliseum. Freddie Lewis scored 40 points in a win over the Spurs. Alex was fortunate to witness countless games of Reggie Miller’s incredible career in person and came to appreciate just how much number 31 really meant to this franchise. He loves The Fieldhouse but has never heard a louder arena than Market Square Arena during Game 6 of the 1994 Eastern Conference Finals against the Knicks. Pacers fans can reach Alex at alexyovanovich@yahoo.com.
Shane Young is a credentialed NBA columnist for HoopsHabit.com, and now contributing to 8 Points, 9 Seconds. Growing up as an avid fanatic of the Los Angeles Lakers, it’s safe to say he has experienced a lot of success, mixed with recent embarrassments. Still a homer for the purple and gold and the Black Mamba, he acknowledged a young, budding team in Indianapolis and developed a great interest in the Pacers. Shane covers majority of the home games at Bankers Life Fieldhouse, and speaks the truth about what Paul George and the boys can do. The new era in Indy is growing, and being a part of it is a blessing. He attends the University of Louisville, pursuing a degree in Communications. Contact Shane at syoung@hoopshabit.com, or on Twitter: @YoungNBA