DraftKings and FanDuel Indiana Promo Codes: How Pacers Fans Get $2,700 in Bonuses For ANY NBA Finals Bet!


There might only be two games left in the NBA season but you STILL have time to cash in thanks to two unbeatable offers from DraftKings and FanDuel sportsbooks.

DraftKings and FanDuel are celebrating the NBA Finals with two of their best promotions.

At DraftKings, you’ll win an instant $200 in bonus bets simply for signing up and betting your first $5 or more. At FanDuel, you’ll be rewarded with a no-sweat bet worth up to $2,500 after making a qualifying deposit.

Keep reading if you could use $2,700 in bonus-bet opportunities to hit it big before this NBA season is over.

DraftKings Indiana Promo Code

You’re only a few minutes away from becoming an instant $200 winner at DraftKings.

Here’s how you can claim your bonus-bet win:

  1. Sign up with DraftKings Sportsbook (no promo code required)
  2. Verify your identity and location
  3. Deposit $10 or more
  4. Wager $5 or more on any NBA Finals bet

If you’ve made it this far, your $200 should already be in your account!

If you win your wager, you’ll add those winnings to your account, too. If not, you’ll still have your bonus bets to enjoy the NBA Finals.

Your $200 will be paid out as eight $25 bet credits, giving you plenty of opportunities to explore all that DraftKings has to offer.

You could bet on the moneyline, the spread, the total, player props, alternate lines and spreads or even parlay your best picks together!

The only catch with this offer is that it’s ending soon – just like the NBA season! Don’t miss out on a thrilling conclusion to this NBA season AND a guaranteed $200 win at DraftKings while it’s here. 

FanDuel Indiana Promo Code

If you miss your first bet at FanDuel, you’ll be issued a full refund in bonus bets matching what you risked up to $2,500.

That effectively gives you two chances to win big!

Here’s how you can claim your bonus offer:

  1. Sign up with FanDuel Sportsbook (no promo code required)
  2. Verify your identity and location
  3. Deposit $10 or more

It’s really that simple. Once you’ve completed the sign-up process and deposited $10 or more, your first bet at FanDuel will be protected with house credit no matter what.

Since you’ll get a bonus-bet refund if you lose, why not take a shot on a plus-odds wager for Game 4? If you win, you’ll multiply your investment. If you lose, you’ll still have time to make things right.

Just like the offer at DraftKings, this promotion is too good to be around forever. Take advantage of the timing and sign up for FanDuel to access the biggest promotion in sports betting while you still can.

Game odds refresh periodically and are subject to change.