Indiana Pacers: Possible draft trade with every team in the top-ten

Christian Wood, Dallas Mavericks (Photo by Sam Hodde/Getty Images)
Christian Wood, Dallas Mavericks (Photo by Sam Hodde/Getty Images) /
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There are many directions that the Pacers could take this offseason as they take stock of all of their assets. One thing they may be able to do is a draft-day trade with some of their picks to try and move up or around in the draft. So what could these trades look like? We investigate what a trade to each team in the top-ten might look like if the Pacers were to go for it.

10. Trading for the Dallas Mavericks’ number ten pick

Dallas is coming off of a terrible collapse at the end of the season after adding Kyrie Irving to their ranks. Because of this, they may feel pressure to improve quickly, especially on defense where they were downright terrible. This trade would allow them to do just that.

Turner would get to go back home to the Lone Star State and the Pacers would load up on a small and power forward for their starting rotation. This would finish out an outstanding starting lineup and allow the Mavs to move up to pick a player they like. We may have to throw in an additional lower first-round pick, but this could be worth it.