Durant, Poeltl, Westbrook: All the massive moves in NBA impact Pacers

Myles Turner, Indiana Pacers (Photo by Megan Briggs/Getty Images)
Myles Turner, Indiana Pacers (Photo by Megan Briggs/Getty Images) /
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There have been multiple breaking news stories in the last 24 hours with the NBA trade deadline rapidly approaching. Here at @8pts9secs we aim to keep you up to date on all of the big moves and how they impact our favorite local franchise.

So far, and we emphasize SO FAR, there have been a few major moves leading up to the NBA trade deadline. We will do a complete recap post after the trade deadline is over. But here we go.

Lakers add a piece while getting off of a horrific contract.

The Lakers moved off of the Westbrook contract, and thus, ideas about the Pacers absorbing that in any way are now dead. Additionally, the narrative around Vanderbilt being a fit for the Pacers also seems to be a dead end.

However, the Laker gave away half their draft capital, which may signal, they are willing to move off the other piece given the right opportunity. Perhaps Buddy Hield is someone they are interested in? Only time will really tell.