Though he spoke them some time ago, Victor Oladipo’s words on The Masked Singer are relevant to us today.
Indiana Pacers guard Victor Oladipo had some performances on The Masked Singer that were simply incredible. Revealed to be “Thingamajig” in season two, many NBA fans were surprised to hear how great of a singer Oladipo is and were shocked when he was revealed.
It’s often easy for fans to box athletes in and forget that they are real people with authentic passions and talent outside of the places we see them most frequently. Oladipo got a chance to lean into one of his strongest passions, singing, and show off his voice on a unique platform with The Masked Singer, which features celebrities and notable people singing in front of a panel of judges to guess who they are.
The show challenges you in a way to think about how you really don’t know all that makes up a person and to move past the stereotypes we attach to people.
Most Pacers fans who watched the show had an idea that Thingamajig might be Oladipo, and it was officially confirmed when he was sent home and unmasked.
In his departure, Oladipo had this to say:
"“There’s a lot going on in our world today. A lot of it, unfortunately, is negative. So if I had anything to say I would encourage not only my fans but everyone to lend a helping hand and do something positive for someone other than yourself. Because if I do it, and you do it, and your best friends do it, maybe we can create a chain effect, and maybe, for once really, our world can be a better place.”"
These days, these words ring truer than ever before. Everywhere we look we’re faced with the tough news of tragedy striking the world and COVID-19 causing complications in health care systems near and far. For basketball fans, we’ve been without the NBA for a week and a half with the league suspending operations after Jazz center Rudy Gobert tested positive for novel coronavirus. This took away one of the sources of reprieve we typically have in times of struggle.
Oladipo’s call to action to lend a helping hand is still relevant. Many of us can simply help these days by staying indoors and practicing social distancing. Those working in jobs that have been deemed essential or working in health care all over the country are actively helping humanity power through what is shaping up to be a tough time for all of us.
Oladipo delivered a consistent message just days ago as well:
A special message from V.O.
— Victor Oladipo (@VicOladipo) March 15, 2020
It’s voices and words like this that help us remain centered and appreciate the goodness in life. Oladipo is loved for what he offers to the Pacers on the court, but we should appreciate his words and perspective as well.
For those of you who may be responsibly practicing social distancing to help flatten the curve and keep our health care system functioning below the exhaustion threshold, Oladipo appeared throughout much of season 2 of The Masked Singer, which is available to stream on Hulu, a great show to binge over the next few days!