Mid-range scoring is down, points in the paint are up
One surprising part of Indiana’s success last year was their reliance on mid-range shooting. They were 11th in offensive rating despite taking the most mid-range shots in the league. A made shot isn’t a bad one, but we know on average relying on mid-range shooting is a risky proposition, especially when there isn’t a volume of 3-point shots to counter any off nights.
In the preseason, Indiana got significantly less scoring from mid-range while seeing their points in the paint increase. Their 3-point shooting volume remained roughly the same, but they were more efficient elsewhere on the court.
So are the Pacers evolving?
If I had to guess though, this is more of an aberration as preseason defense isn’t all that intense. You get some younger and poorer defenders on the court too and everyone’s got a green light to drive their way to the basket.
But it’s still something to keep an eye on. We saw a more aggressive T.J. Leaf in the preseason and Sabonis showed us more versatility than we’ve seen from him in the past.
Hopefully, for the Pacers, Tyreke Evans and Doug McDermott find their strokes again and Indiana starts launching more 3-pointers, but that’s nothing but hope until Indiana starts letting it fly.
While I’d bet on most the Pacers returning closer to their shot distribution from last season, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the younger players made adjustments to their respective games.