Pacers Prepping for Collison to Not Play Game 3

We don’t have any precise medical information into the health of Darren Collison’s injured ankle so far, but we do know that coach Frank Voegl is preparing his game plan with the expectation that Collison will not be playing in Game 3.

Conrad Brunner of reported the following:

"D.C. Day-to-day. He’s optimistic RE game 3. Vogel prepping as if he won’t play."

Similar info comes courtesy of the Indianapolis Star’s great beat reporter Mike Wells.

"Vogel said he’s going to with the mind frame that they’ll be without Collison in Game 3"

Wells is also reporting that Collison is ready to play through significant pain if that’s what it takes.

"Collison said he plans to play if he’s anywhere between 60-70 percent healthy."

Not exactly encouraging news for Indiana. And if you agree with Kelly Dwyer of Yahoo!’s Ball Don’t Lie, there probably won’t ever be any leaguewide push to move back the camera people on the baseline to avoid similar injuries in the future — something people have been debating ever since (and probably before) Dennis Rodman famously lost his damn mind and hospitalized a camera operator with a kick to the groin.

UPDATE: With a first-hand quote via Mike Wells, it sounds a little more probable that we’ll see DC out there on Thursday. Not sure this means we should see him and, let’s remember, the decisions of trainers, coaches and GMs always trump player desires, but he sounds optimistic.

"Collison: “If I can do more than jog, maybe not at full strength, I know I’m going to play.”"

UPDATE PART II: The media stories are now coming out. The AP’s headline is slanting its coverage more towards the “he will play” angle, with DC “expecting to play” while the Indy Star is going with DC “hopes to play.” Both, for what’s it worth, still have Vogel insinuating that he is more skeptical that his point guard will be able to suit up.


"Indiana Pacers point guard Darren Collison says he expects to play Thursday in Game 3 against Chicago after spraining his left ankle … “It’s a real good chance,” he said. “If I can more than jog and run — I may not be at full strength, but I know I’m going to play Thursday.”Interim coach Frank Vogel wasn’t as optimistic. He says he’s approaching the game as though Collison won’t play.“We’re hopeful that he’s going to be able to play,” he said. “I don’t know if he’s going to be able to. He’s day-to-day, so we’ve got to go in preparing for him to be out.”"

And here’s Wells’ write-up for

"He had a limp when he left Conseco Fieldhouse following the team’s film session today.“If I’m at 60-70 percent, I’m going to play,” he said. “This is the playoffs. I was disappointed I couldn’t get in the game in the second half, but it’s unfortunate it happened.”"

More on this tomorrow, I’m sure.