

The Indiana Pacers had an okay draft last year. Tyler Hansbrough has a few years to prove himself and A.J. Price has stepped up big. But that was until he busted himself at a charity game.

The 2009 Draft was successful off of trades. They got Brandon Rush and Roy Hibbert out of that. Rush has one more year to prove himself until he is considered a bust, and like Pace Miller said in his PacersPulse.com post: that’s being too generous. But Hibbert has stepped up big in has last two years and can turn into one of the most dominant centers in the league.

The 2008 NBA Draft was probably the best recent draft. How can you not say it is the best when Indy drafted their superstar for the future in Danny Granger?

Now a new draft awaits as the Pacers have a lot of options to choose from. Who shall it be?

Let’s take a look at the players and options that Indy can do.Ekpe Udoh

The Pacers can draft Ekpe Udoh. He has a great PF and none of the PF’s the Pacers have are going to be the future. Hansbrough would be surprising if he were the future and Troy Murphy, Josh McRoberts, and Solomon Jones would be laughable as a future PF.

Udoh is dominant and fast. He has great character and everything. He’s also not undersized, like Hasnbrough. Udoh is a dominant 6’10” 240-pound PF that can be an easy steal for Indy.

You can read more about Udoh here some where back here in the archives.

Hassan Whiteside

I’m not very interested in the Pacers drafting Whiteside. I don’t think he can live up to expectations and I think if Larry Bird drafts him, he probably would be thinking boom or bust.

Cole Aldrich or Gordon Hayward

I don’t know what you can laugh at more for the Pacers drafting: Gordon Hayward or Cole Aldrich. Hayward plays the position of the best player on our team (you know who). Hayward can possibly play PF, but it just won’t work out at all.

Cole Aldrich? Are you kidding me? He’ll be nothing more than a backup center for Indy. It won’t work out and if Aldrich is even available, please Indy, I strongly encourage you not to draft him.

And Hayward? Come on, man! He’s projected a 23-28. He got boosted up just because of the WHOLE TEAM EFFORT in the FInal Four. Not just him. So don’t take a chance.

Ed Davis

Ed Davis would be a nice pick. I would say it would be exactly the same for Ekpe Udoh. Both he and Roy Hibbert can team up to make a strong Big Men combination.

Avery Bradley or Eric Bledsoe

Eric Bledsoe was a great guard at Kentucky. But I don’t think it should happen. He would be picked way too early considering he is projected a very late first-rounder to early second-rounder. Don’t take the chance on him.

Avery Bradley is a good option, but is projected elsewhere and I really don’t like Indy taking a chance on him either. I think the Pacers should look for a guard in the second round, maybe. Jordan Crawford, anyone?

Xavier Henry

Henry is an excellent shooter and I wouldn’t mind seeing him a future shooting guard for the Pacers. Dahntay Jones and Brandon Rush don’t seem like the future yet, so I can take my bid on the great shooter from Kansas.

Tony Parker

Now we all know that the San Antonio Spurs’ point guard Tony Parker isn’t an option at a draft pick. But I strongly consider the Pacers trying to do something in a trade for him.

There was a rumor popped out of there that the Pacers would offer their tenth overall pick with Troy Murphy and Brandon Rush for the explosive 28-year-old. I wouldn’t mind since the tenth pick is very confusing.

But I can see it. The Pacers need a point guard, so I’d take it.